AFRIMS maintains a network of infectious disease surveillance and data-sharing partnerships with U.S. embassies and regional partners across Asia as part of its Global Emerging Infections Surveillance (GEIS) reporting responsibilities. These activities seek to provide a snapshot of circulating viral pathogens in a particular time and space to inform force health protection and public health efforts.
Bangladesh: The AFRIMS Department of Virology partners with the U.S. embassy to engage in dengue surveillance.
Bhutan: The AFRIMS Departments of Entomology and Virology partners with the U.S. embassy and Royal Centre for Disease Control, Thimphu, to engage in dengue, influenza and tick-borne pathogen surveillance.
Indonesia: The AFRIMS Department of Virology partners with the U.S. embassy to engage in dengue surveillance.
Mongolia: The AFRIMS Departments of Entomology and Virology partners with the U.S. embassy to engage in influenza and tick-borne pathogen surveillance.
South Korea: The AFRIMS Departments of Veterinary Medicine partners with the U.S. embassy to engage in scrub typhus surveillance.